
The Concert project will use and evaluate the findings of the PossPOW in real life for trading at Vattenfall and will do a full uncertainty analysis of both the reserve power signal and the forecast needed for such a demo. Therefore, the project will fill the gap of uncertainty assessment while modelling the non-supplied generation for compensation when ordered to perform downward regulation. It will also evaluate the significance of more certain reserves in the trading market on different scales.

The PossPOW concept will also be enriched in Concert with simple real-time algorithms to estimate the load on the turbines. This enables to find an optimal set point for the asset control to derive the best value from either power sales, reserve power sales or lifetime conservation.  

The availability of such a real-time power curve and load estimate will enable the development of control algorithms to optimize the power production and the lifetime of the wind farm by down-regulating the upstream turbine(s). It will also enable an overall optimization of the wind power plant operation through comparative assessment of control strategies and real-time choice of the best, taking the weather, turbine state, grid state and markets into account.  

The project is structured in 4 research work-packages, where one work-package dedicated to management and dissemination activities.

  • WP0 :  Management and Dissemination
  • WP1 : Preparation, Market investigation, Literature Review
  • WP2 : Estimation and Mitigation of Uncertainty
  • WP3 : Multi-Objective Wind Power Plant (WPP) Control
  • WP4 : Experimental Verification and Trading Markets Aspects



Tuhfe Göçmen
Senior Researcher
DTU Wind
+45 61 39 62 41