
The figure below shows wind turbines and wind turbine wakes

In order to reach the European climate and energy targets, a future TTwith even more wind power in the grid is to be expected. Therefore, the wind power plants will have to contribute to the safe operation of the power system through delivery of ancillary services more frequently. One of those ancillary services is reserve power, which is achieved by down-regulating the wind farm from its maximum possible power. The estimation of that maximum possible (or available) active power of a down-regulated wind farm is crucial as it is the amount of the loss production to be compensated during mandated curtailment and the amount of up-regulation potential which can be traded as reserve power on the ancillary services market.

Most of the European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) address the quality assessment of the available and / or reserve power calculations, particularly at the wind farm level. However, currently Energinet.dk, UK National Grid, EirGrid, and / or Elia have no real way to determine exactly the possible power of a whole wind farm which is down-regulated.